Six Things We Need To Know About Multitasking Memory
Six Things we need to know about multitasking & Memory
Multitasking is the process of carrying out more than one work at the same time. Time has always been precious to humans and we tend to utilize time as much as possible. So, multitasking seems to be a process where a lot of time could be saved if done properly but we can do that only if we have the ability to do it properly.
While people may know that multitasking affects their performance, it appears that they are not fully aware of how much it is hurting their work. Let’s explore some of the constraints on multitasking.
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Six Things we need to know about multitasking & Memory
The major benefit and reason for multitasking are to save time. Doing multiple tasks may save up time while we do them individually but this may not be true. We cannot attend to two tasks at the same time, so multitasking involves switching between tasks.
Switching our minds on and off takes time and we make more mistakes when we move between tasks. But, it is efficient to switch between works with fewer mental tasks.
People tend to miss out on things in life and not get their desired results due to multitasking. Every time we are interrupted, our brains take in new information and lose their focus on the previous task. We cannot continue with a task and remember things from previous or alternate tasks at the same time.
A woman cooking in a kitchen when tries to watch television at the same time may end up burning the food.
Clumsy outputs:
Our brain works like a computer but is prone to distractions and other mishappenings. The fast and constant switching of tasks can cause the brain to burn energy at a faster rate, leaving us mentally exhausted, which takes a toll on the quality of our work, even leading to mistakes!
We might become more mentally distractible if we allow ourselves to automatically respond to the next email, text message, or intrusive thought. We should give sustained focus to one task at a time. This may result in sending mails to non-intended recipients or thinking of some unrelated stuff in the middle of a meeting or conference. These things may highly affect the work of an individual.
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Health Issues:
Regularly performing multiple tasks simultaneously can lead to anxiety, higher workload, deadline pressures, and frustration. This may affect our metabolism, immune system and make us feel ill. Multitasking lessens our focus on important things, affects our work and ultimately our goals. This seems to be a small problem but if not focused on may lead to fatal mishaps in one’s life.
Situational outcomes:
While going to the market to buy vegetables, if you talk to another person, you may miss the shop and pass the place. Have you ever noticed that you can very effectively drive a familiar route or a fairly long distance on an interstate highway while having an in-depth conversation with a passenger and experience no apparent impairment in your conversational abilities or your driving ability?
That is because driving, especially on a familiar route or on less interesting parts of the interstate, isn’t usually cognitively demanding. But try to have the same type of conversation while driving in a congested city or while trying to follow directions to a new place and you’ll experience problems driving or conversing or both. We just don’t have enough mental resources for two demanding tasks at the same time.
EQ and IQ:
This may seem strange but multitasking may affect your IQ as well your EQ. As your brain goes through inevitable changes, your IQ decreases substantially. You tend to lose your knowledge and expertise in stuff where once you were brilliant. You may also seem to lose interest in things you loved doing once. This would reflect the falling of your EQ level. We may seem to listen to people while doing other tasks but we actually do not understand what they try to explain.
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